Tuesday, January 3, 2012

YesStyle Contest! (Pt3) (:

On Dec.16 which also happened to be the same day as my Holiday Concert, I spent time with two of my very good friends Angela and Rizan doing a photoshoot JUST for YesStyle (: It was an amazing experience! I didn't expect it to be so fun but it turned out great! Again, because I could not choose just one photo, I decided to submit another. So, this is my third entry to the "Holiday Party à la YesStyle"contest at http://www.yesstyle.com/blog/ . My outfit was inspired by YesStyle's gorgeous dress:

YesStyle Contest! (Pt2) (:

On Dec.16 which also happened to be the same day as my Holiday Concert, I spent time with two of my very good friends Angela and Rizan doing a photoshoot JUST for YesStyle (: It was an amazing experience! I didn't expect it to be so fun but it turned out great! Because I could not choose just one photo, I decided to submit another. So, this is my second entry to the "Holiday Party à la YesStyle"contest at http://www.yesstyle.com/blog/ . My outfit was inspired by YesStyle's cute and adorable peacoat:

YesStyle Contest! (Pt1) (:

On Dec.16 which also happened to be the same day as my Holiday Concert, I spent time with two of my very good friends Angela and Rizan doing a photoshoot JUST for YesStyle (: It was an amazing experience! I didn't expect it to be so fun but it turned out great! Without further due, this is my entry to the "Holiday Party à la YesStyle"contest at http://www.yesstyle.com/blog/ . My outfit was inspired by YesStyle's cute and adorable peacoat:

Friday, February 5, 2010

Never Blogged before.

Well, it seems that everyone blogs so often now. It seems to be a hassle for me to do this everyday but i will probably try it. This reallyyyy reminds of xanga a lottt and i miss xanga.

Oh yes, Lushae makes some pretty intense jewelry. check it out!
